Eco-Friendly Electric Machines

Electric machines don't produce pollution

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0
Environment Manufacturing

b ✅ -> Mod Conflict

2 years ago

With the Big Machines modpack and this mod, I get the following error:
Failed to load mods: eco_friendly_electric_machines/data-updates.lua:5: attempt to compare number with string stack traceback:
__eco_friendly_electric_machines/data-updates.lua:5: in main chunk

2 years ago

Interesting… thank you for the report! I will look into it and release a fix for that soon :)

2 years ago

I'm assuming it's due to the big electric furnace. Didn't confirm yet.

2 years ago

This is certainly an interesting error. If you have time can you try loading all the same mods but not this one?

Basically the error is my mod assuming that emissions_per_minute is a number (which is has to be per the game prototype documentation), but some other mod is storing a string for that value instead. I’m curious if that mod still loads without this one or if the game throws another error for that mod

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

Conformed the modpack loads without eco-friendly electric machines. Pinpointed the issue to the mod schall machine scaling. Will leave a bug report for that as well.
And yes, it loads just fine by itself.

2 years ago

Fantastic, thank you! I should be able to release a fix in the next couple days.
I appreciate all your help troubleshooting this :)

2 years ago

Version 0.0.3 should fix this issue.

New response