Early Agriculture

Adds an early-game agricultural tower for growing wood before Gleba

18 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Environment Mining Manufacturing

g [Fixed] AAI Compatibility

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Failed to load mods: early-agriculture/base-data-updates.lua:37: attempt to index field 'burner-assembling-machine' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
early-agriculture/base-data-updates.lua:37: in main chunk
[C]: in function 'require'
early-agriculture/data.lua:9: in main chunk

Seems like Wood Logistics becomes a requirement if AAI Industry is also loaded. But if Wood Logistics is loaded then AAI Industry belts take Wooden belts as a requirement. If this is expected behavior, ignore this obviously. Personally, I don't feel like the wood requirement as a bridge to regular belts makes sense, but that might just be me. I did find that I can disable the unwanted behavior in Wood Logistics mod settings, but the hidden requirement could still cause some trouble for some.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Ah yes I don't want any of my mods to require another content-adding mod. And I can add a setting to make the wood items not be required to craft the base item. The intent of the Wood Cinematic Universe mods is largely to not make sense because that makes me giggle, but I am happy to allow people to opt out of the joke if they want. EDIT: I'll get to this shortly. Out of curiosity do you have burner assemblers disabled? That's the line that coincides with the error message.

2 months ago

Hah, an elaborate build up to a mod-pack called "got wood"? It just so happens that the joke, fills a useful niche. :)

Also, not requesting per se, but Alien Biomes (and I imagine any other ground tile replacing mod) seems to break seed plant ability on Nauvis. Or am I missing something?

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

That's a known bug with Alien Biomes, feel free to +1 that bug report over there. EDIT: I think I've seen someone post a fix you can apply locally on their discord

2 months ago

Amazing, thank you.

2 months ago

Fixed with latest release, I forgot to add an optional dependency to control load order.

2 months ago

Quick update: I added a hotfix for trees not being plantable on Alien Biomes tiles with the latest release!

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