Dredgeworks: Frozen Reaches

by Kubius

Extract meteoric deposits from the seas of Aquilo, deposited from space long ago by the shattered planet's rupture. Allows Aquilo to be started from scratch.

8 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Environment Mining Manufacturing

g Stirling Generator toggle

22 days ago
(updated 22 days ago)


When I start on Nauvis Stirling Generator as early game power generation seem to be too OP and too simple to ignore it and just build traditional steam setup
Could you add toggle in options to disable it?
Or make it optional as dependancy (similar to Ironclad and On Wayward Seas mods)

I don't want me or my friends to have temptation to use it when we are playing

22 days ago
(updated 22 days ago)

It's pretty core to Frozen Reaches' more expedient Aquilo start, but I can add a config setting to add lithium plates to the Stirling Generator recipe as a way to restrict it to the locale. Numerically, it's much weaker than steam power, but I'm happy to add it for "feel reasons".

22 days ago

Config option introduced.

22 days ago
(updated 22 days ago)

Stirling it is generally weaker but strong enough to carry you in first few hours of the game.
And you can just place it on patch of coal with drill and call it a day

Few hours is usually enough to get batteries soo you usually just skip steam phase

Placing it behind lithium plates is great idea, and solves issue. Thanks c:

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