Dredgeworks: Frozen Reaches

by Kubius

Extract meteoric deposits from the seas of Aquilo, deposited from space long ago by the shattered planet's rupture. Allows Aquilo to be started from scratch.

8 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Environment Mining Manufacturing


Version: 0.3.4

    - Cargo Ships is now an optional dependency, which will instead heavily recommend itself to you in Aquilo starts.
    - Added "beans mode", a setting to remove everything but the barest minimum of necessities in Aquilo starts, for the closest-to-vanilla experience.
    - There is no safe orbit, no modded machinery, and no tech tree adjustments except for the minimum necessary. See modpage for details.
Version: 0.3.3

    - An optional config is now available to require lithium plates for the stirling generator's crafting recipe, to keep it from supplanting generation options on other planets.
Version: 0.3.2

    - Fixed an incorrect condition for heat conduit recipe activation.
Version: 0.3.1

    - Heat conduit is now an optional inclusion, with a user-configurable recipe yield, to a maximum of a full stack. A setting of 0 (new default) will not include the recipe.
    - While it is very useful and something I want to retain as an option, on reflection, it feels like a little too heavy of a game-feel deviation for a default inclusion.
Version: 0.3.0

    - Set of upgrades to reduce tedium in the process of expanding.
    - Promethium thermalization now unlocks the heat conduit, a variant heat pipe which uses a promethium chunk.
    - The heat conduit is much cheaper than standard heat pipe, but can only reach a temperature of 400C and requires Aquilo's atmospheric conditions to remain stable.
    - Concrete from ice is now 20% slower than standard concrete production, instead of 100%.
    - Increased aboveground shattered meteor's promethium chunk yield from 4% to 5% (replaces 1% carbonic asteroid chance).
Version: 0.2.3

    - Planet Picker start on Aquilo is now supported, though it is not recommended if you do not intend to do a multi-planet start with other players.
Version: 0.2.2

    - The crude rocket turret recipe is no longer added to data outside of Aquilo starts (it was unavailable outside of them regardless) to fix an issue with disrupting standard recycling.
    - Updated thermal dissipator descriptions to better communicate their proximity limitation.
Version: 0.2.1

    - Aquilo start: Coal synthesis is now acquired alongside advanced asteroid processing, as it was removed from the rocket turret.
Version: 0.2.0

    - Set of changes to contend with Aquilo start escapes.
    - Added a manual override of Aquilo start orbital conditions to make them launch-safe. THIS DOES NOT REMOVE BIG ASTEROIDS FROM THE TRAVEL PATH.
    - Aquilo start rocket turrets no longer require agricultural science packs or carbon fiber research as a prerequisite.
    - In conjunction, Aquilo start now has an alternate rocket turret recipe which substitutes low density structure for carbon fiber.
Version: 0.1.9

    - The "concrete from ice" recipe can no longer be decomposed for raw material calculations.
    - Updated Dredgeworks dependency minimum version to 0.7.5 to ensure inclusion of an increase to wire buoy coverage and reach provided therein.
Version: 0.1.8

    - Added "Heating energy rebalance" config setting, which optionally increases the heating cost of several key machines to counterbalance free heat from thermal units.
    - Aquilo's "brash ice" tile (ocean with floating ice chunks) now has the item disposal capability other ammoniacal ocean tiles were granted by the mod.
    - Aquilo ocean item disposal capability can now be toggled with a config setting.
Version: 0.1.7

    - Updated crusher surface condition adjustment to respect other mods which remove crusher surface restrictions altogether, such as planet-muluna.
    - Fixed some slight graphics/position misalignment on thermal units.
Version: 0.1.6

    - Reduced thermal dissipator heat yield to 120kW (75% of buoy) as an additional emphasis on use of heat pipes and/or quality. Sorry if this messes up your setups!
    - Reduced assembling machine 1 heating energy to 70kW (previously, assembling machine 1-3 were all 100kW) to offset this change when starting from scratch.
    - Worded the "welcome message" to more accurately inform you of your circumstances in Aquilo start.
Version: 0.1.5

    - Thermal dissipators (surface promethium heater) can no longer be placed within a 1-tile range of other dissipators, allowing them to remain individually useful but less effective for bulk heat.
    - A config option is available to disable this restriction (exclusion zones will still generate, but won't collide). Not recommended - for advanced setups, quality dissipators are an interesting option.
    - Thermal dissipators placed before the update will not have the exclusion zone regardless of setting, as it's created on placement.
    - Increased specific heat of thermal units a bit (doesn't increase heat output, just makes it build and diminish a bit smoother).
Version: 0.1.4

    - Adjusted resource distribution in meteor ore to limit long-term competition with shattered planet and make ore raised by fluid resource vents a "point of interest".
    - Surface-level meteor ore now has a 4% chance to yield promethium chunks (from 3%), dropping carbonic asteroid chance by 1% (62% > 61%).
    - Submerged meteor ore now has a 1% chance to yield promethium chunks (from 3%), increasing metallic asteroid chance by 2% (35% > 37%).
Version: 0.1.3

    - Added ice melting unlock to fluid handling for Aquilo start. (Oops. If I missed anything else, let me know!)
Version: 0.1.2

    - Buoy exclusion zones (entities that prevent placing ice next to thermal buoys) now use a single locale string, which is also now correctly defined.
    - Primarily internal adjustment: Buoy exclusion is now "zone" instead of "radius", and associated code has been generalized slightly.
Version: 0.1.1

    - Specify minimum versions of dependencies.
Version: 0.1.0

    - Initial release