Dredgeworks: Frozen Reaches

by Kubius

Extract meteoric deposits from the seas of Aquilo, deposited from space long ago by the shattered planet's rupture. Allows Aquilo to be started from scratch.

8 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Environment Mining Manufacturing

g [Presumed fixed 0.2.2] Thermal Exclusion Zone inconsistency

a month ago

Thermal Dissipators, the land-based heaters, have their exclusion zone extend to their diagonals; the Thermal Buoys only prevent placement on the cardinal directions. Is this intended, and if so, can it be reflected in the in-game tooltip of the Dissipator?

a month ago

This is intended (Dissipators can't exist within the heating range of another thermal unit, which is 8-directional). Tooltip and other mentions of proximity for dissipators will be standardized to use the "heating range" wording in next update.

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