Dredgeworks: Frozen Reaches

by Kubius

Extract meteoric deposits from the seas of Aquilo, deposited from space long ago by the shattered planet's rupture. Allows Aquilo to be started from scratch.

11 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Environment Mining Manufacturing

g [Presumed fixed 0.2.2] Thermal Exclusion Zone inconsistency

a month ago

Thermal Dissipators, the land-based heaters, have their exclusion zone extend to their diagonals; the Thermal Buoys only prevent placement on the cardinal directions. Is this intended, and if so, can it be reflected in the in-game tooltip of the Dissipator?

a month ago

This is intended (Dissipators can't exist within the heating range of another thermal unit, which is 8-directional). Tooltip and other mentions of proximity for dissipators will be standardized to use the "heating range" wording in next update.

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