DUNE - The Spice must flow!

by RedRafe

Production Challenge where you need to collect Spice to survive on Arrakis!

1 year, 11 months ago
Enemies Environment Mining


Version: 1.1.3
Date: 1. 15. 2023
    - removed burner and electric miners from entities that can be placed
    - removed sulfuric acid from uranium mining
Version: 1.1.2
Date: 1. 15. 2023
  Author's note:
    - RedRafe updates Dune mod from Factorio v0.17 to v1.1
    - all credits to the original modder TheSAguy, information can be found on the modpage  
    - fixed file/lib import since Factorio v1.1
    - fixed compatibility with AAI Veichles: Miner v0.6.4
    - fixed game crashing when starting a new map
    - fixed GUI crashing during the game
    - fixed sound of task completion/failure
    - fixed worms despawning when placing bricks underneath them
    - added difficulty settings to change game difficulty among 5 levels
    - added sounds for task completion and failure to be more informative
    - added masks to concrete types too & to check for entities when placed
    - added settings to enable AAI Veichle piloting if AAI Programmable Vehicle is installed
    - changed worms stats (feedbacks are very much appreciated)
    - changed control params to be more customizable
    - changed iron gear wheel recipe back to vanilla (2 iron plates instead of 4 of AAI's)
Version: 0.17.10
Date: 6. 25. 2019
    - Turn Test mode off
Version: 0.17.9
Date: 6. 25. 2019
    - End Boss fight added
Version: 0.17.8
Date: 6. 25. 2019
    - Enemy units scale better
    - There should now be attack groups periodical
    - Lowered Starting Goals slightly again
    - Compatible with Factorio 0.17.51
Version: 0.17.7
Date: 6. 21. 2019
    - Starting Setting: Increase player reach
    - Lowered Starting Goals
    - You won't get a new worker if you're out of time on your current goal
Version: 0.17.6
Date: 6. 21. 2019
    - Removed "game.print" message
Version: 0.17.5
Date: 6. 21. 2019
    - Optimized Graphics: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=30591#p224304
    - Moving Worms! - Thanks to Darkfrei!!
Version: 0.17.4
Date: 6. 21. 2019
    - When you don't achieve your goal, attack waves will get bigger over time till you do complete it.
Version: 0.17.3
Date: 6. 21. 2019
    - Updated Starting materials. You get two harvesters and 5 workers and a turret gun 
    - Added a few random worm spawns
Version: 0.17.2
Date: 6. 20. 2019
    - Initial Release!