Distant Misfires

by DataCpt

Dynamically replaces boring auto-aim bullets with skilfully inaccurate projectiles. Extends the max range of misfires alongside a magazine size increase. Let the biters experience true bullet hell. All configurable.

6 days ago
Combat Enemies

g Idea

20 days ago

It would be great if rocks and trees either did not take damage from bullets OR did not show their health bars, either when damaged by bullets or just in general.

I don't care about them being damaged or destroyed, I just really dislike the health bar spam...

19 days ago

Nice idea! I'll look into that.

6 days ago

I was not able to find a way to hide the health bars but 0.11 that I just released DOES include the other option you suggested!

The startup settings now let you switch between the current functionality, the one you suggested where trees and rocks are ignored and one where the bullets act like vanilla shotgun projectiles, colliding with everything.

I'm not actually sure whether that last one is possible to survive with tbh but it's funny...

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