Distant Misfires

by DataCpt

Dynamically replaces boring auto-aim bullets with skilfully inaccurate projectiles. Extends the max range of misfires alongside a magazine size increase. Let the biters experience true bullet hell. All configurable.

6 days ago
Combat Enemies

g Amazing

3 months ago

Turrets are way cooler now, thanks

3 months ago

Brilliant! Let me know if anything doesn't work as expected

2 months ago

Would it be possible to add research for the bullet speed? Equipping spidertron with machine guns (another mod) is stupid fun at this point, but he can almost outrun the bullets and it can be a bit awkward

2 months ago

I've been experimenting with adding more bullet types for increased ranges so I don't see why I couldn't try out increased speed! The game's 60 fps limit means that the hitbox will need to be larger but that should be fine.

2 months ago

Oh right, I didn't think of the hitbot, haha. Makes sense that it needs to be longer to see till properly detect hits

28 days ago

Finally got around to adding a faster projectile. I'm leaving it off by default because I'm unsure about the side effects but I imagine it should work a lot better with machine gunning spidertrons!

28 days ago

I am about to check that out, thanks!

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