Disposable construction robots

by Quezler

Cheap spoiling personal construction robots for the early game.

a day ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Manufacturing Blueprints Cheats

g Doesn't work with blueprint-sandboxes mod

2 days ago

Very nice mod. I use it currently in Space Age.
But doesn't work with https://mods.factorio.com/mod/blueprint-sandboxes
When I switch into blueprint mode, your mod down with error.
Please, fix it if it's possible.

2 days ago

I'll need to see the error

a day ago

Error while running event disposable-construction-robots::on_player_crafted_item (ID 13)
LuaItemStack API call when LuaItemStack was invalid for read.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/control.lua:15: in function <disposable-construction-robots/control.lua:14>

a day ago


9 hours ago

thanks a lot

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