
Adds advanced diplomacy system, diplomatic requests, needful commands, auto-diplomacy, customizable protection from theft of electricity, custom balance settings, building prohibition radius near enemy and integration with chat mod, etc etc. Has compatibility with any PvP scenario. High performance with the system. >33 translations

2 months ago
0.16 - 2.0

g A Question before i install this on my Server

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Does this mod give me the ability that each team has his own reasearch ? Or is the Reasearch Serverwide and what about the Spawns ? Are they all on the same position ?

Sorry for my english :D

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Now is only scenario PvP responsible for the division of team (not the mod).
The calculation of research depends only on the teams inside the game.
For position is responsible scenario PvP.
In scenario PvP has german translation (small example):

auto-assign=Teams werden automatisch zugewiesen
auto-assign-button=Mich automatisch zuweisen
auto_assign=Automatisch zuweisen
random-join=Die Team-Zuordnung erfolgt zufällig.
random-join-button=Tritt einem zufälligen Team bei
team_joining_tooltip=Das Beitrittsverfahren.\nAuto-Zuweisung: Spieler werden dem kleinsten Team zugeorndet.\nZufall: Spieler werden komplett zufällig auf die Teams verteilt.\nWahl: Spieler wählen, welchem Team sie beitreten möchten.

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