Deadlock's Stacking Beltboxes & Compact Loaders

Adds minimalist 1x1 loaders and stacking beltboxes for 5x belt compression for ores, plates and some intermediate products

2 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b Loaders no longer using custom belt speeds with Bobs

5 years ago

I have some custom speeds for belts in bob's mods and these loaders used to use the speed for the same level of bobs belts. For example, my red belts are 75 items/s where the red compact loader is 30 items/s.

5 years ago

Can you post an example save? I'm still seeing the loaders synced exactly to Bob's belt overhaul speed in my testing.

5 years ago

Did you customize the speeds in mod settings?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Yup - there's a whole big block of code to update to match Bob's speeds very specifically and it's still working as far as I can tell with current Bob's Logistics. Can you upload an example save?

5 years ago

Just loaded it again and same issue. Red belt is 75/min red compact loader is 30/s.
Here's the save:

5 years ago

Okay, So I just installed the addon mod for integrations into bobs and the speeds updated. I thought this mod had the speed integration logic.

5 years ago

How did you have beltboxes and loaders for bob's tiers without that mod installed?

5 years ago

I didn't. It's all my fault, I didn't read closely enough to the fact that those integrations were in a separate mod.

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