
by Mylon

The flOre is lava. Dig yOre way out through this divOrese and dangOreus field! Will you Coke on the limited space and submit to the cOreruption Ore will you transfOrem it into an majestic Orechestra? Also known as "Dangerous" or "Danger Ores".

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0
Environment Mining

g QoL suggestion

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Thanks for the great mod, i have a suggestion for avoiding frustration:

Make the building placement forbidden on ore for everything except miners (and optionally belts and power poles) so that you see that it is not buildable before placing instead of killing the expensive buildings instantly because you missed a small spot of ore somewhere.

IIRC claustoreophobic has this feature.

I think this is done here:

a month ago

Yes, that's easy to do. But then that would be cautionorey and not dangoreus.

a month ago

i see ^^

New response