
by Mylon

The flOre is lava. Dig yOre way out through this divOrese and dangOreus field! Will you Coke on the limited space and submit to the cOreruption Ore will you transfOrem it into an majestic Orechestra? Also known as "Dangerous" or "Danger Ores".

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0
Environment Mining

g Request

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Could you add a remote interface that enables another mod to set the exception list?

I'm the dev for Brave New Oarc, and currently hosting two "Maroons" servers with DangOreus. In one mode of BNO you do not have a body and can only expand via roboports. Not being able to place a roboport makes the game locked into one area. I've expanded the main base area to enable an adequate, area for building, but unless I add ALOT of water, there is no way players can leave that area. We also spawn anywhere from 80 to 600 chunks outside of 0,0. Even with richness set to 17% using easy exception list, one electric drill might have over a million ore to remove before it can place anything. The coal ratio is way high. But we can deal with all this. I would add furnaces and roboports to the exception list.

Also you max distance for no resources is 400 or 500 tiles, We're about 6,400 to 20,000 tiles away from 0,0, so that limit is very unfortunate for Oarc mods. I've modified BNO to offer a shorter max distance from 0,0 to under 2000 tiles away.

My mod exagerates everything in DangOreus. Lag is worst when someone spawns and their base is generated. I can profile this and upload the high usage areas.


If you are too busy, I can add this interface, enabling any mod to define

2 months ago

Sorry I haven't gotten back to you.

An interface for custom exceptions sounds like a good idea. However on the other points, it sounds like you're trying to do something outside of the scope of this mod. It may be worth investigating writing your own take on the mod. Some considerations is that you could calculate ore richness based on the minimum distance to any spawn. This mod is MIT licensed so you can follow that to repurpose my code for your own mod.

Performance has been a big problem; my recent change to disable large ores overlapping does not seem to have improved performance much. Your profiling data would be useful.

2 months ago
(updated 2 months ago)

Sorry that profile data is long gone, and I'm busy on 2.0. Hopefully I get back to this, since we love DangOreus.
On thing to consider is if you created a prototype - which doesn't ever have to be exposed or used within the game. Then attached a list to that prototype, instead of a local list within control.lua, that list defined in data.lua, can be modified in data-update or data-final by other mods. An example of this list is in scrap-resource mod, which modified the new prototype for a resource of scrap. I overload it in data-updates of Brave New Oarc, the Scrap Resource mod works on whatever that list was changed to.

A remote interface may be a bit more straight forward and I'm sure I'm not the only one asking for the feature to modify the list.

Regarding lag: You might consider looking the approach done by ClaustOrephobic, which is still limited to 1.1. It modifies how the map generation works up front - data stage, not during on_chunk_generated. This will certainly eliminate the lag.

Good luck - I'll be back once time permits.

2 months ago

When it comes to performance, I'm sure I'm doing something terribly wrong. ClaustOrephobic has some limitations, like not supporting spiral or voronoi mode.

2 months ago

I found the problem with performance! The mod performs way better now.

2 months ago

Wow that was fast. We'll definitely give it a try, and let you know. I typically have 20 players on. But I need to complete the port for BNO first. Talk soon.

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