
by Mylon

The flOre is lava. Dig yOre way out through this divOrese and dangOreus field! Will you Coke on the limited space and submit to the cOreruption Ore will you transfOrem it into an majestic Orechestra? Also known as "Dangerous" or "Danger Ores".

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0
Environment Mining

b does "flOre is lava" work?

4 years ago

I was using landfill to cross a large lake (nowhere near any ores) when "flOre is lava" started taking effect. I looked at the code to see how it works and it was rather strange: I'm not sure what it is supposed to do, but it appears to simply always take effect when the player goes beyond "EASY_ORE_RADIUS". I was expecting it to only hurt a player who is on ore.

I think what would make sense is to hurt a player who has been standing on ore for a period of time, rather than based on their position.


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