
by Mylon

The flOre is lava. Dig yOre way out through this divOrese and dangOreus field! Will you Coke on the limited space and submit to the cOreruption Ore will you transfOrem it into an majestic Orechestra? Also known as "Dangerous" or "Danger Ores".

a month ago
0.15 - 2.0
Environment Mining

g Floor is lava option

6 years ago

What are the rules for taking damage?
In my current game I am trying to get to oil by mining out spots to put big electric poles at their max range with a little space around them to lay radar.
But I am being damaged even when standing in the cleared area.
Do I have to connect the cleared area to my main base?

6 years ago

Once you pass a certain radius, if you're standing on ore and there's a certain amount of ore around you, you take damage. This check increases in area and the damage increases for each successive check.

It's a pretty wonky calculation and it's not really intended for single player.

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