The perlin noise generation looks incredible and you've done a great job meeting the excitement drummed up for it. It does suffer a little if you have too many ores installed from other sources (BobAngel's + MadClown BobAngel ores, for example). The ore spawn hierarchy of just BobAngel (Saphirite, Jivolite, Crotinnium, Stiratite, Rubyite, Bobmonium, Coal) doesn't change, but with the influx of too many extra ores, some get pushed out of the stack of available ores- most notably Saphirite and Jivolite getting pushed out for Oil Sands. (EDIT: Seems to happen regardless of the number of ores for Saphirite to Oil Sands, there might be a slight issue in generating ores requiring fluids (is steam a fluid?).
Edit: Although, with a bit of tweaking (setting 'adding' values for very low to 0 prevents ore spawns when set to 'very low'), and the Perlin noise generator sometimes blends tiers together, removing ores. If I knew more about the generation format, I'd add here, but I get the feeling I'm just making a nuisance of myself.
Because the perlin height spawn hierarchy doesn't change across the map, or across chunks, you'll end up with the same order of ores every time, and the same shortage of specific ores if you install too many of them. EDIT: There's a crash related to MadClown's infinite ores, but that's really out of your jurisdiction, innit?)
Additionally, dangOreus doesn't respect values at worldgen when you set ore generation to 'none.' EDIT: It's reading the frequency values and ignoring size values, where you can add a 'none.' Not surprising, since this ore generation happens after traditional worldgen. I'm not sure which API call reaches out to ore mass size spawning, though, if you were to add a frequency flag or set 'adding' to 0 if size == 'none'
Again, incredible work. I know mod support is something of a fight, but the new perlin generation looks really great and I'm really looking forward to making a new factory or two with it.