Custom Temporary Train Stops

Configurable default behavior for temporary train stops.

2 years ago
Transportation Trains
2 years ago
Latest Version:
0.2.3 (2 years ago)
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225 users

Custom Temporary Train Stops

Tired of your trains running away when you park in a stacker to work on a build?
Do you just need your builder train to stop by for a minute as you rummage for those last few assemblers?
Look no further!

With Custom Temporary Train Stops each player can configure their own temporary train stop behavior without fussing with the schedule each time you add a temporary station.

Check the mod settings!

This mod uses the mod settings menu to set your personal wait conditions.
These can be updated while a map is running, no need to stop and reload.

Temporary stop logic

If you're in the train when the temporary stop is added

The train will leave the temporary stop when:
1. Your personal wait condition is met AND
2. You've returned to your train.

This way when you take your train somewhere you want to work it won't drive off without you and you have some time to get off your train when it arrives.

If you're not in the train when the temporary stop is added

The train will leave the temporary stop when:
1. Your personal wait condition is met OR
2. You've returned to your train.

If you hop in the train it assumes you want to drive home, otherwise it'll wait for your personal wait condition while you grab materials from it.

Corner cases

The trains don't track which player is inside it, so adding temporary stops to a train your friend is in will use your temporary stop settings like you were in the train.