
Adds tools to debug combinator contraptions. Pause and simulate each step individually.

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Circuit network

g Where is everything?

a month ago

How can I get this? It is not in the mod list. Why is it marked Deprecated but for use with 2.0?
Has this moved or renamed?

a month ago

To quote myself from GitHub:

Thanks for putting in the effort. I'll merge it, and upload a new version to the mod portal, so you and others who might be interested can use it.

The reason I marked the mod as obsolete, instead of upgrading it myself, is threefold:
1. Using the built-in editor (/editor) for working on combinator contraptions is in most scenarios a better experience.
2. The mod has a lot of technical debt, several features are barely functional, multiplayer support is questionable, and as you know, relies on some pretty gross hacks to even work altogether. If I were to develop a mod like this again, I'd restart it, and would want it to be much more robust, allowing things like recording states, replaying it, and basically simulating circuits, rather than relying on the hacks currently in place.
3. I simply don't have the time to dedicate to modding at this point in my life.

With all that said, if you'd, or someone else, wants to take over the mod, bring it out of obsolescence, I'd be more than happy to transfer ownership, if you're interested, just hit me up on Discord (same username).

I'll unmark it as obsolete, though my stance remains the same, I'm not planning to actively maintain the mod.

New response