Concreep Refilled

Factorio Mod that spreads and upgrades brick, concrete, refined concrete, and landfill around roboports. Very UPS light. Based upon various forks of the original "Concreep" mod for Factorio by Mylon, utoxin, and Nick Busey.

2 years ago
Logistic network

b Kizrak Robots Not In Use

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

Kizrak's early robots are not given orders to place the bricks in the network. I have ensured that the "place bricks" option is enabled. I have no vanilla robots nor roboports at this time, just Kizrak.

edit: saving and reloading the game caused the robots (and my companion drones) to get busy.

5 months ago

Ghosts were not being placed? Or the robots were ignoring the ghosts?

5 months ago

Ghosts were not being placed. Once I saved the game, left it and joined it again the ghosts started to appear and the provider chest with bricks showed robots were going to it.

5 months ago

Weird. But good that it fixed itself.

New response