Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

a month ago
Circuit network

i Shorten input names

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I am designing a circuit to calculate the train limit of a station from some factors:
It contains some smaller components that work like functions like min(a, b), stack size(item) (thanks to Stack combinator)
When opening the configuration of this circuit, it shows its nested names of internal input components.
Will you provide per user or per circuit setting to shorten these names? (use most internal parts, maybe)

a month ago

I am not sure to understand. You want to remove the prefix "Station specification" from the labels ?

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

Yes, this circuit (say Train limit for loading station) contains nested compact circuits as follows:

Train limit for loading station (compact circuit)
├─ Station specification (compact circuit)
│├─ Stack size calculator (compact circuit)
││     └(input component) Item type (signal)
│├─ (input component) Number of cargo wagons (slider)
│├─ (input component) Number of chests per a cargo wagon (slider)
│├─ (input component) Grid size of a cargo wagon (slider)
│└─ (input component) Grid size of a chest (slider)
└─ min(A, B) (compact circuit)
       └(input component) Output as (signal)

So configuration modal shows internal input components prefixed with recursively descending names.

It will look tidy if nested prefixes can be removed like this.

  • Item type
  • Number of cargo wagons
  • Number of chests per a cargo wagon (slider)
  • Grid size of a cargo wagon (slider)
  • Grid size of a chest
  • Output as
a month ago
(updated a month ago)

In 1.1.9, you can add a * in front of a label to have only the label (without *) without hierarchy

a month ago

Cool, thanks.

a month ago

More on this: It would be nice to be able marking setting as internal, allowing its value to be set only by the direct parent.
In the example above, if "min(A, B)/Output as" was marked as internal, the setting would be visible while in the "Train limit for loading station" editor but not outside of the editor.

Also it would be nice to export these as flags/checkboxes visible on UI and not name prefixes.

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