Currently, when you enter editor mode for the packed processor, all its entities are replaced. This is OK for stateless circuits which process non-interrupted signal. However, for circuits which store state (i.e. most the processors requiring > 4 pins) this makes a debugging hell because the state is completely lost each time you enter the editor. That got me thinking.
I already suggested a solution earlier to change how packed mode works by using a dedicated surface for all packed circuits -- BTW, this is how AAI Signal Transmitters work -- and this will also allow any modded circuit to be placed inside. When you enter editor, all this combinators are just teleported while keeping their state.
However, I have another terrible brilliant idea on how to implement uninterruptable debugging -- keep the implementation as-is, but instead drop an invisible & output-connected constant comb to all non-constant combinators and for 1 tick copy the output of the already existing combinators.
Don't ask me how I'm getting all these ideas.