Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

a month ago
Circuit network

i Is there a way to conditionally show text?

3 months ago

Thank you for this great mod, it is so enjoyable to put all these combinators inside a little chip :-)

I would like to show text upon certain conditions like a "LAUNCH" text when rocket is ready to launch. Is this feasible?

3 months ago

There is a signal to hide the display of a component. Just send it to the text component. But upgrade to version 1.1.5 because it causes a crash in 1.1.4. You can also change the position, the scale and the color of a text with a signal.

3 months ago

Awesome, thank you!

3 months ago

There is a signal to hide the display of a component. Just send it to the text component. But upgrade to version 1.1.5 because it causes a crash in 1.1.4. You can also change the position, the scale and the color of a text with a signal.

Can it also change the FG/BG color of table display?

3 months ago

Sorry only 2 signals are used for multi-signals display; the hide signal (as previous) and the freeze signal that freeze the display when it is set

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