Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

a month ago
Circuit network

i Allow customizing the I/O point icons

4 months ago

When building more complex circuits, it gets hard to remember which connection point is which. It would be great if the icon of each connection point could be customized, either by color or even by shape.
This would, in particular, also allow to only show connection points as bright green rings when they are actually used in the circuit. Otherwise they can be hidden.
I know that there are the I/O arrows when you hover over the chip, but I would find it easier to understand if I could set the permanent rendering of the I/Os to be different colours or even shapes.

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

You can give names to the I/O points.

Color can also be one of the following:

  • Gray: Not used
  • Red/Green: Uses wire of that color
  • Yellow: Uses wires of both colors
4 months ago

I am aware, it's an amazing feature for documentation while building, but all of this is still only visible while hovering.
What I would like to have is a way to say: "My main data path is marked in yellow, modifiers in blue and status light outputs in white"
That way you could see what's going on (somewhat) even from a screenshot. For example, with combinators it's obvious what output and input is. I'd like to have the ability to make microchips that act similar.
Example: Compare the readability of the things on the left and the one on the right where I crudely drew in some colours (and symbols, but I am aware that they'd be much more complex to implement)

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