Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

17 days ago
Circuit network

g How do meta-combinators work?

4 months ago

The change log says...
- Add meta-combinator to change the input / output of a arithmetic/decider combinator based on a signal

It sounds useful. I have tried playing around with them but I can't figure out how they are supposed to work. Are there examples?

4 months ago

The signal connected by a red wire to the the combinator is supposed to be unique.
This signal is copied to the arithmetic or decider combinator (input 1 or input 2 or output depending on the meta-combinator properties) connected by the green wire to the meta-combinator .

Here an example of use to filter:

A processor to display a single signal (just import string in factorio) :


4 months ago

I understand now.
Thank you.

4 months ago

It is a little confusing that the meta combiner is grouped with the "display components".

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