Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

a month ago
Circuit network

a Bug fixes for localization strings

9 months ago

Bug Fixes:

  • Hotkey for open processor settings now has proper default value & description Discussion🔗
  • Fixed tooltip for Settings Input / Toggle / Tooltip Discussion🔗
  • Fixed tooltip for Settings Input / Dropdown / Choices
  • Processor entity descriptions now refer to the configured hotkeys
  • Mini-processor entity now has description


  • Changed description on processor entities, they now explain what they do
7 months ago

@Telkine2018, any thoughts on this? I have my eye on other small QoL features I could implement (like in-game tutorials), should I?

7 months ago

I am using a github, now. So you can make pull request. I just have to find how i can accept it. I will do an official release.

New response