Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

a month ago
Circuit network

g Is there a way to cleanup remaining "things" left behind

1 year, 3 months ago

i assume those are the invisible objects that end up doing the circuit stuff when a circuit is packed. somehow i have a bunch that stayed in the map after the compact circuits were removed.

Ive tried using grenades to kill them, but they seem to be immortal and unselecteable by any mean i could think of. i only see them when hovering a power pole. problem is, its an area where i have so many of those that looking at that section drop my fps down in the 40ish. i had abused compact circuits a bit too liberally in that zone and him hoping to restore it to a more reasonable load. but even after destroying just about everything, the lag remain due i assume, to those invisible elements as they still "exists" in the scene.

I'm fine with it needing to be done manually, or even using a separate mod to be able to select and destroy them, i just wanted to ask here first if anyone else had a solution to it before i go a bit more agressive in my attempts.

1 year, 3 months ago

I wonder how you manage to have the micro combinator remaining.
Maybe you can send a save file ?
Either, to remove the micro combinator, put a processor above them, make it packed, remove the processor.

1 year, 3 months ago

placing an empty compact circuit on it, packing it and destroying it worked.

As for how it happened, im pretty sure its related to using the destruction planner, might have selected only the edge of the compact circuit or something similar and it ended up not deleting the rest.

i sometime have similar issue when copy pasting ending up duplicating the input/output line, but those i can usually fix easily by just replacing it.

1 year, 3 months ago

Sorry, it is a wrong refactor. Should be fixed in 1.0.27

1 year, 3 months ago

i can confirm it appear to be working as expected now. at least, i havent been able to create new spot with invisible thingies left behind. still gotta clear likely a few hundreds different ones as i find them but i can now clean them by carpet bombing the area with compact circuit and just destroying them all after heh.

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