Compact circuits

Miniaturize a whole logic network into a single entity to save place (similar to factorissimo but for signals).

a month ago
Circuit network

i UX Improvement Suggestion: Entering Editor

1 year, 3 months ago
(updated 1 year, 3 months ago)

I'm using this mod for a while and thus can suggest the following UI/UX improvement.
Clikcing on the processor no longer enters the editor, instead it displays regular UI frame with the following options:

  • Model name
  • "Enter Editor" button
  • "Model Selector" list (must confirm)
  • (NEW) List of signals on each I/O connection (with an ability to show precise numbers), including connections without any signals
  • (NEW) Ability to set up allignment mode for the lamps inside the processor (i.e., display small lamp at the bottom-right corner instead of the one big lamp taking the entire processor area)
  • Any other information or settings worth being displayed (like model description or template settings from my other suggestions/requests)

The reason I suggest this feature is the fact when you accidentally click the processor you enter the editor no matter what.
This is increadibly painful when combined with the Remote Configuration mod -- you lose your current map view and must navigate to the previous position again.

New response