I have installed multiple mods as follows:
1. Combat Research
2. Too Many Prod Techs
3. Total Productivity for belts, landfill & everything
4. Productivity Research for Everyone
The issue with Combat Research is that this mod will immediately research all of the Prod Techs at once.
For instance, I set my Prod techs on each item could up to 300% productivity on iron, if researched to the final prod tech. Therefore, the tech will be "Iron Prod tech 1", "Iron Prod tech 2", etc.
However, "Combat Research" will instantly research "Iron Prod tech" to the final once it finished "Iron Prod tech 1" and thus give the "Iron smelting prod" to 300%, if capped.
And this research pattern goes on with mostly all of other Prod research.
Hoped to fix this, cause the idea of Killing to Research is giving more fun than usual gaming patterns.