Combat Research

Damage dealt to your enemies will contribute to your technology research. Includes settings to scale the effect damage has on research progress, unlocking early research options, and to disable the lab recipe. The only good bug is a dead bug!

6 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Cheats

b Infinite Researched to FULL

11 days ago

I have installed multiple mods as follows:
1. Combat Research
2. Too Many Prod Techs
3. Total Productivity for belts, landfill & everything
4. Productivity Research for Everyone

The issue with Combat Research is that this mod will immediately research all of the Prod Techs at once.
For instance, I set my Prod techs on each item could up to 300% productivity on iron, if researched to the final prod tech. Therefore, the tech will be "Iron Prod tech 1", "Iron Prod tech 2", etc.
However, "Combat Research" will instantly research "Iron Prod tech" to the final once it finished "Iron Prod tech 1" and thus give the "Iron smelting prod" to 300%, if capped.

And this research pattern goes on with mostly all of other Prod research.

Hoped to fix this, cause the idea of Killing to Research is giving more fun than usual gaming patterns.

11 days ago

Hello CrazyMy! Do you mind sharing more details? How do you have this mod setup? Did you change the scale value or did you leave it at 100%? What fighting is happening when the research is being completed? If attacks are large enough, a lot of research can be completed.

11 days ago

This mod setup are all default.

Start with tech unlock (unchecked)
Disable lab (unchecked)
Research scaling on bitters (default:100)
Research scaling on demolisher (default:100)

The fighting mostly happens with biters, on Nauvis, when I not even going outer space.

The research unlock on prod tech will instantly finish research "prod tech 30" when finishing research "prod tech 1".

In other words, I was expecting to have "prod tech 1" finished and give me 10% prod, but this mod unlocks "prod tech 30" for me and 300% instead.

Hopes my words are clear for you.

11 days ago

I did some testing with all the mods you mentioned and I can't reproduce what you're seeing. Some of the production research is cheap, such as the bricks and barrels. There could be something that is getting confused as an enemy and counting, but I haven't seen it yet. For now, you could drop the scaling on biters down to a lower value. I'll keep testing to see what could be causing the issue.

11 days ago
(updated 11 days ago)

It's surprising that both our testing can lead to different conclusions. Perhaps I need to give more details on my mod loadings.

  1. Base Mod / Elevated Rails / Quality / Space Age
  2. Combat Research
  3. Mega Bot Start (to give myself a stronger suit for testing bitters)
  4. Productivity Research for Everyone
  5. Time Tools (to speed up the testing)
  6. Too Many Prod Techs
  7. Total Productivity

All of the mod setups previous mentioned are also default.

I can research "Stone Brick prod 1" at the start, and when it's finished, the system gives me "Stone Brick prod 30 (Researched)"

11 days ago

I just set the Research Scaling on Biters to 50, but the situation does not change.

I wonder if I can give you my game mod loaders, by discord, or in-game-invite, or some game log files.

How do you think?

10 days ago

Probably best to share your save. Let me know your Discord name and I'll send an invite.

10 days ago

Sure. It's Kevin#1853, Let me know when you add me.

10 days ago

Invite sent

10 days ago

I prop give the wrong Name 🤣

Please try Kewen#1853 or 凱文#1853

6 days ago

Confirmed the new release fixes this issue. Thank you for your help and report!

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