Combat Research

Damage dealt to your enemies will contribute to your technology research. Includes settings to scale the effect damage has on research progress, unlocking early research options, and to disable the lab recipe. The only good bug is a dead bug!

6 days ago
1.1 - 2.0
Combat Cheats

i Infinite Research Idea

21 days ago

While working on the 1.1.1 patch, I had the idea of adding an infinite research option to the mod. I have not gone as far in a game to get to mega base level, but curious on what others think on this idea. Especially for a run where the labs are disabled. My initial thought for this is that it would be locked behind space science, and based on how Warptorio 2 handles research, increase the cost of combat research to balance it out (probably from 1 to 2). Please let me know if you'd like this idea!

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