Combat Tweaks and Additions

Factorio tweaks and additions for less frustrating combat. Featuring 5 new weapons, 9 equipment items and 3 turrets for dealing with high-evolution biters. Now updated with alien economy!

1 year, 8 months ago


Version: 0.2.0
Date: 06.06.2023
    - Medical Backpack: 3x3 sized equipment, heals player/vehicles (except spidertron) for 30/s over 10 seconds, also grants +10% movespeed. 
    - Engineer Backpack: 3x3 sized equipment, slows nearby enemies by 50% for 20s.
    - Military Backpack: 3x3 sized equipment, spawns 1 defender drone near player every 5s if there're enemies nearby.
    - Heavy Flamethrower now have 50% less ammo consumption modifier, allowing it to conserve ammo better than standard Flamethrower.
    - Artifact Synthesis crafting time increased to 180 seconds.
    - Stone/Coal conversion rate reduced to 51.
    - Copper/Iron conversion recipe now requires 2 artifacts.
    - Booster Capsule: reduced duration to 3 min and increased artifact cost to 5.
    - Reworked Healing Capsule: now it spawns a healing splash on the ground, standing in splash heals for 60/s and passing by applies heal over time for 60/s over 5s. No longer works on structures (but works on Spidertron now).
Version: 0.1.9
Date: 04.06.2023
    - Added recipes and tech for artifact->iron/copper/coal/stone conversion. 
    - Alien artifacts now go in player inventory upon killing a nest. Also, every nest now always drop 1 artifact instead of 30% chance to drop 3-5.
Version: 0.1.8
Date: 02.06.2023
    - Mortar: a new long-range weapon to fight with nests on foot. Have 50 range, 0.25 fire rate, uses Mortar Bombs from Ironclad. Only works if AAI:Ironclad mod is installed.
    - Exoboots: early tier of movement equipment, unlocked earlier than Exoskeleton, has 2x2 size and only +10% movespeed bonus.
    - Fusion Reactor MK2: lategame reactor, infused with alien artifacts, has 1MW output.
    - Personal Battery MK3: lategame battery that can storE 1GJ of power. Requires alien artifacts to craft.
    - Increased energy reduction cost on Alien Modules to match Efficiency modules.
Version: 0.1.7
Date: 01.06.2023
    - Removed Dragon's Breath fire dot from initial hit (this is because it effectively killed flamethrower).
    - Reduced raw fish amount needed to Artifact Synthesis to 100.
    - Increased Cannon turret fire rate to 0.66/s.
Version: 0.1.6
Date: 01.07.2023
    - Added Artifact Liquefaction tech. Allows to sacrifice 1 alien artifact to gain 500 crude oil.
    - Added Artifact Synthesis tech. Allows to sacrifice 100 artifacts and 300 raw fish to gain 101 artifact.
    - Added Hybrid Walls and Gates: these are far tougher than vanilla, but require alien artifacts to craft.
    - Added Module Infusion 1-2 to prerequisites to Module Infusion 2-3.
    - Increased artifact cost of Booster Capsule from 1 to 3.
    - Reduced tesla single-target and aoe to 6 and 4. increased health to 600.
    - Increased health of shotgun turret to 500.
    - Added item descriptions to alien modules.
    - Reduced rocket turret attack cone to 120 degree, doubled rotation speed.
    - Reduced cannon turret attack cone to 120 degree, doubled rotation speed.
    - Reduced Grenade Launcher fire rate to 2, removed cooldown from it's ammo.
    - Removed all changes to shotguns. I feel that shotguns with earlier unlocked piercing shells and addition of uranium shells are in very great spot right now.
    - Increased Alien Artifact drop chance to 30%.
    - Removed all settings. Sorry, but i do not want to bloat game with 20+ lines of them lol.
Version: 0.1.5
Date: 30.06.2023
    - Added Alien Artifacts. Enemy spawners have 20% chance to drop 3-5 of them. (Also works with ArmouredBiters, Toxic, Explosive and Cold biter spawners).
    - Added Alien Modules 1-2-3. Crafted with 100/200/500 alien artifacts and corresponding tiers of modules. Combines all effects of modules.
    - Booster Capsule: boosts move speed by 50% for 5 min. Crafted from 1 alien artifact, 5 raw fish and 10 iron plates.
    - Fixed issues with Healing Capsule and Radiation Cloud sounds.
Version: 0.1.4
Date: 29.06.2023
    - Cannon Turret health increased to 1100. Recipe cost slightly increased.
    - Rocket Turret health increased to 1200. Moved Rocket Turret tech to Red/Green/Black/Blue/Yellow packs. Recipe cost increased to include processing units.
    - Mortar Turret health increased to 800, raised range to 80 and slightly increased recipe cost.
    - Updated RU localization for KJ_Fuel mod.
    - Added small AoE to Tesla Turret to differentiate it more from Laser Turret.
Version: 0.1.3
Date: 28.06.2023
    - Cannon turret: a new mid-game turret with 600 health, 30 range, 10 min range, 0.33 fire rate, takes vanilla cannon shells. Have priority for higher health targets. (turret can be disabled in config)
    - Rocket turret: a new end-game turret with 800, have 36 range, 8 min range, 0.5 fire rate, takes vanilla rockets. Have priority for higher health targets. (turret be disabled in config)
    - Mortar turret: a new mid-game artillery to help with nest clearing. Have 500 health, 60 range, 10 min range and 0.15 fire rate. Only works if AAI:Ironclad mod is installed as i don't have any of it's assets. (turret can be disabled in config).
    - If AAI:Ironclad is installed, Mortar bomb damage is increased from 50 to 100.
    - Added russian localization to Pasts Defense Stuff, ArmouredBiters, KJ Fuel, KJ Bulldozer, AAI:Ironclad if these mods are installed.
    - Made a setting for ArmouredBiter nest explosion resistance (so you can revert it back to 25%, as original mod does).
    - Removed 50% damage bonus for Shotgun turret from Pasts Defense Stuff mod. Instead, added scaling shotgun-turret damage bonus to Physical Projectile Damage research line if that mod is installed. Also, raised it's shooting speed to from 1 to 1.5 (configurable).
    - Added config settings to Pasts Defense Stuff mod changes. This allows to remove reload time of Dragons Breath ammo, adjust Tesla turret range and fire rate of Shotgun turret.
    - Fixed range adjustment for Tesla Turret when Pasts Defense Stuff mod is installed. Should be working now.
Version: 0.1.2
Date: 25.06.2023
    - Healing Capsule: explodes in a special spores which heals nearby allies and entities for 60/s, lasts 5 seconds. Unlocked at Military-1 tech.
    - Restructured mod files for convenience.
    - Improved visuals of Launchable Uranium Grenade projectile (green trail and green grenade).
    - Added duration clarification for some grenade descriptions.
    - Increased vanilla Car resistances to player's Heavy Armor values (can be disabled in config).
    - Fixed spaghetti code in unlock-recipe script. Sorry about that, i'm still very new at lua :O
    - Added cross-mod changes when King Jo's Fuel and Bulldozer mods are installed (Bulldozer will be unlocked earlier, can use vanilla fuel, and have Tank resistances, so good luck ramming damn biters!).
Version: 0.1.1
Date: 23.06.2023
  Major Features:
    - Added a script to unlock all needed recipes and damage upgrades if mod is installed mid-game. Yay!
    - Added settings for vanilla changes. Choose your own balance!
    - Uranium Shotgun Shells: an ultimate ammo for your shotgun purposes! Have 12x24 damage values. Unlocked at Uranium Ammo research.
    - Launchable Chemical Grenade: combines effects of Slowdown and Poison Capsules and spawns fire patches beneath enemies caught in explosion. Unlocked at Military 4 research.
    - Launchable Uranium Grenade: a new lategame grenade, which creates radiation cloud on hit, dealing 160 damage/s for 20s. Unlocked at Uranium Ammo research.
    - Grenade Launcher: removed 50% damage bonus, adjusted Launchable Grenades damage to compensate.
    - Piercing Shotgun Shell: reduced amount of projectiles to 12. Note: keeping them at 16 immensely makes shotgun the best weapon, and i don't want it to be so OP (configurable).
    - Launchable Cluster Grenade: now unlocked at Military 5 (new tech).
    - Heavy Flamethrower: now unlocked at Military 5 (new tech).
    - Fixed bug with Armoured Biters, when disabled nests option prevented my mod to even load.
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 22.06.2023
  Major Features:
    - Initial release.