Circuit Visualizer

by _1024

Similar to the `Pipe Visualizer` mod, but for circut networks.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Circuit network
8 months ago
Latest Version:
2.0.2 (2 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
7.11K users

A mod similar to Pipe Visualizer but for circuit networks.

Visualize all networks

Use a shortcut to visualize all circuit connections.
Visualization appears around the selected entity so it should work with radars.

Visualize selected networks

Select a connected entity and press Alt + V to visualize a network.
Press Alt + V again to hide it.

Visualize hovered networks

Use a shortcut to visualize hovered networks.
Also useful for updating bugged entities by hovering them.

Whole network mode

With whole network mode on the Alt + V key and mouse-over visualization will spread over all connected networks eg. trough combinators. I recommend having it always on.


The visualization updates when:
- an entity is destroyed.
- a player connects or disconnects two entities.

It does not update when:
- a blueprint with circuit connections is placed.
- any other case.
If you see a bugged entity you can use the mouse-over visualization and hover it to update, or just use the "reload all" shortcut.

Network colors

You can change the colors of red and green networks is settings.

There is an extra option to randomise the darknes per network to help differentiate networks crossing eachother. It's not very good.

Extra settings, commands and shortcuts

You can change the color of both networks in settings.
You can change the overlay opacity in settings.
There is a shortcut to hide all networks.
There is a command /circuit_visualizer_hide_networks that works the same as the shortcut and /circuit_visualizer_hide_networks all that hides all networks for all players and clears the memory.


UPS-friendly Selector combinator and Crafting Combinator do work, but look a little bit weird.
I haven't tested other mods but the results should be similar.

Ugly icons

I can't draw so the shortcut icons are horrible. If someone wants to make better icons, please do.


raiguard for creating the Pipe Visualizer.

The Factorio wiki for the mod tutorial.