
by plexpt

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a day ago
1.1 - 2.0

g duplicate keys

2 years ago

I'm responsible for a mod somewhat similar to yours, but for French. It already includes translations for more than 300 mods.
With such a number of mods, I start to have interaction effects between mods: when a key is identical in several mods, the game overwrites the first translation by the next one read. This is problematic when the translated text is different.
Since there are even more translations in your mod, how do you deal with this problem?
Thank you very much for your answer.

2 years ago

2 ways

2 years ago

I think that there may be two methods, when one word links more than two translations.
a. keep one of it and delete others.

b. create a list of them to one locale, in description

2 years ago

You can refer to the file zzz-duocongshiyi in my mod

2 years ago

Thank you very much for your quick response!
I like this solution of the zzz file, even if I think it is a bit of a tinkering.
It's a pity that some Lua code can't help us here.

2 years ago

I used some script code to help me find and process these things

2 years ago

You'd probably have some success if you contacted the authors of the conflicting mods (or at least one of them, best results probably if one of them is smaller and more active) and ask them to change it.

2 years ago

You'd probably have some success if you contacted the authors of the conflicting mods (or at least one of them, best results probably if one of them is smaller and more active) and ask them to change it.

That would take more time and effort

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