Xenos Oppression: Active Factory Defence by Infantry-Like Robots | X.O.: 星球机器解放军

by Mr.YaR

Actively defend your factory with controllable and upgradable (vehicle based) robots armed with a variety of firearms. Research and combine different parts to adapt your production. Ment to be used under AAI. Now with shotguns - 1.2.0+ 积极用可控和可升级(基于车辆的)机器人配备各种火器来保卫你的工厂。研究并组合不同的零件以适应你的生产。旨在在AAI的控制下使用

4 months ago
Transportation Combat

b Not doing damage

8 months ago

Running with just the Xenos mods and AAI, the bots don't seem to be doing damage with bullets. I'm putting them against starting biters and they do 0 damage or so I am seeing.

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

What ammo are you using?
What ammo-changing mod do you have?

For exemple, K2 does affect ammo (all of it?)

Will investigate on my side when i'll have a moment

8 months ago

I'm using vanilla ammo and only AAI mods and your mods. No mods that should change ammo.
Trying with vanilla ammo and uranium ammo. Explosive ammo seems to work fine.

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Guns are showing negative bonus damage
EDIT: Ignore this note. that should effect base damage. Not actual damage.
But actual damage is 0. 15 HP starter biters are taking no damage from them.
I can kill them myself and AAI chain guner can kill them just fine.
EDIT2: More testing. Looks like a range thing? When they get into melee range the bullet damage is applied and poof they die.

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Oh, i get it.
There's a minor change required for it to work with vanilla.

My bad.

Will be able to fix that later.

Until fixed, you may use ammo from this mod: (else mods might also work)
https://mods.factorio.com/mod/alr-ac ammo

P.S.: yes, the -xx% damage is normal. It is a damage reduction

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Looks like that suggested mod ammo isn't quite working either

I removed lead_target_for_projectile_speed from the bot guns and suddenly they work fine.

8 months ago

You see, you don't make things worse!

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Did some short tests on vanilla - everything worked fine... lead_target was on

Disabled the lead_target - just in case- temporarily.

Re-uploaded x)

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

EDIT: Haven't updated to new version yet.
So removing lead allows vanilla instant hit ammo to work. It also seems to allow your fancy HE ammo to work but it no longer leads the target. But hits do damage (and wreck the biters) So how do you make it lead the target with projectile ammo and not lead with instant hit ammo?

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Will switch the assault(+precision) rifle robot to he/stun he with lead on.
The rest will stay with vanilla ammo and lead off.

Or a lead_on weapon version for everyone xD
(x2 robot amount tho...)

Or simply put a lead_on version of the mod up

New response