Xenos Oppression: Active Factory Defence by Infantry-Like Robots | X.O.: 星球机器解放军

by Mr.YaR

Actively defend your factory with controllable and upgradable (vehicle based) robots armed with a variety of firearms. Research and combine different parts to adapt your production. Ment to be used under AAI. Now with shotguns - 1.2.0+ 积极用可控和可升级(基于车辆的)机器人配备各种火器来保卫你的工厂。研究并组合不同的零件以适应你的生产。旨在在AAI的控制下使用

4 months ago
Transportation Combat

g Error On Load

8 months ago

Looks cool! But I'm getting an error message on start up:

File not found: ccr-mg/graphics/icons/2mg.png

8 months ago

Should work now =)

Now idea how that managed to happen...

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Different error instead now:

File not found: ccr-mg/graphics/icons/t2.png

8 months ago

Should realy work now =D

Thank you for your quick updates!

Hope it's not my ssd going crazy... Guess there is a first time for everything

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Not quite yet:

File not found: ccr-mg/graphics/icons/t2/2mg.png

Thanks for the quick updates though :)

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

!!! God. Should work now (.12)


8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Nope. File not found: ccr-mg/graphics/icons/t2/2mg.png
Using version .12
Edit: My brain is blanking on it at the moment. But I believe the file path you want is __base__/graphics/icons/t2/2mg.png

8 months ago

.13 uploaded. Should work. This time it realy should.

Thanks guys =)

8 months ago

Something is still referencing it. Same error.

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

I converted them all from __ccr-mg__ to __base__ in a local copy and thus got a new error.
Missing sound when loading sound library: __base__/sound/robot_working_remix.ogg

EDIT: Might have found it. items.lua references local sounds = require("__base__/prototypes/entity/sounds") but your sounds are in __base__/sound

8 months ago
(updated 8 months ago)

Greatly appreciate your investigation.

.14 should. realy. work. it's. uploaded

Was a capital letters problem. Didn't sleep for way too long xD (v)...(O,,,o)...(V)

Upd.: You could launch it by extracting the zip inside the mod folder (so your get a ccr-mg_1.0.1X folder with all the contents inside)

8 months ago

Don't thank me. I feel like I'm just making things worse.

8 months ago

Saying to me that it doesn't work is already making things better =D

The numbers need some adjustment, but i hope you enjoy the robots.

Drop that UPS low xD oppress xenos!


8 months ago

I'm going to run it with https://mods.factorio.com/mod/enemyracemanager related mods because I hate myself.

8 months ago

Didn't test it with this mod yet.

Might need robot upgrades/shields in the grid.

No idea of how it will perform)

New response