
Cardinal - Vehicle assist tool for convenient and subtle auto-alignment while driving.

2 months ago
0.15.0 - 2.0

i Default number snap angles

7 years ago

8 is a bit low. 12 gives a bit more freedom, but not 45 degree angles. 24 works very well in my experience, making the correction subtle but still making it easy to drive horizontally/vertically; configured like this Cardinal feels like one of those small QoL improvements that should just be in the base game.

Of course, it's a matter of taste.

7 years ago

For sure. I personally prefer 16, though I left it at 8 so the effect would be more noticeable for first-time users.

I might change it, but maybe leaving it at the lower value encourages people to find the actual value they prefer rather than just dealing with the default.

Like you said, however, it's a matter of taste. A friend of mine actually prefers 8. So who knows.

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