Hi, thank you for your report.
For stone bricks, with K2 enabled, I decided to try to make the recipe a compromise between "paving stones" and "refractory bricks". Refractory bricks are usually made from a material like zircon or corundum. But, you can actually change this recipe back to vanilla for your own game. There is a "Bypass recipes" setting under each of my mods (in this case, under Zirconium), you can enter stone-brick
in that, and the recipe will not be altered by this mod.
For stone furnaces, with K2, I see 4 stone and 1 zircon, which is a tweak from the standard K2/vanilla recipe of 5 stone. If you see 1 stone and 1 zircon, there's a chance it's being caused by this mod interacting with other mods. Do you have a modlist or a save game?