
by brevven

Adds tungsten ore (wolframite), tungsten plates, tungsten carbide and rocket engine nozzles to the base game. Available after green science, tungsten and the various intermediates are used throughout the vanilla game. Compatible with RSO, Space Exploration and Krastorio 2, and several other mods. Part of BZ Mods.

11 months ago
Mining Manufacturing

b [DONE] icon size error with DSR

3 years ago

When I updated I got this error something to do with icon size not defined property.


3 years ago

Do you have a save file? I can't seem to reproduce this with any combination of mods.

It's also very strange that it showed up now, as I didn't touch the ore icon, only the plate icon and stacked plate icon.

3 years ago

This should work. Note one of the mods is private currently might release it in the future.


3 years ago

I also have this error when having K2 and SE loaded.
Tought K2 or SE alone - no error

3 years ago

Ok I think this is fixed now in the newest release. Thanks for the report(s). I must not have tested my updates on that specific combo, my apologies!

New response