Silica & Silicon

by brevven

Adds simple Silica and Silicon to the game, along with basic fiber optics. Compatible with Krastorio 2, Space Exploration, Bio Industries, and other mods. A standalone piece of BZ Mods With graphics by snouz.

3 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b K2/SE 0.6 electronic-components-lithium recipe error

1 year, 9 months ago

The recipe electronic-components-lithium in SE 0.6 appears to be completely rewritten during data-final-fixes by the space-exploration-postprocess mod, (specifically in space-exploration-postprocess\prototypes\phase-4\krastorio2\intermediaries.lua ) so the previous patch made to this recipe for SE 0.5 (double recipe, remove silicon, add 3 silicon-wafer) made by this mod doesn't work anymore. Not quite sure how to fix it in a non-hacky way, so I'll leave that part up to you.

1 year, 3 months ago

Hi thanks for this report and sorry for delayed reply.

I've talked with some of the SE folks, and this is on their radar. Unfortunately, as you noticed there's no non-hacky way to fix this on my side. The "best" way would be my own post-processing mod after SE post-processing, but even that seems like it could create more problems than it solves in the long run, especially for something like this.

If more issues like this occur, I'm willing to revisit that decision, but it's one I very much don't want to be hasty about.

Now -- I think an "unofficial patch" type mod listed by a different modder isn't necessarily a bad idea in the meantime, since it wouldn't have the same official feel as something like a "BZ postprocessing" mod would. Not ideal I know :(

New response