Silica & Silicon

by brevven

Adds silica, silicon, and basic fiber optics to the game. Compatible with Space Age including a new plant & production chain on Gleba. A standalone piece of BZ Mods, with graphics by snouz.

5 days ago
1.0 - 2.0

g Krastorio 2 compatibility

3 years ago

i think there is something wrong with the silicon wafer making in krastorio 2, cause u need to have the blue card research going to make hydrogen chloride, but u need hydrogen chloride to make silicon wafers for blue cards... - therefore u cant make blue card research (mby im missing smt idk)

3 years ago

Did you solve it? I think I'm stuck in the same lock. Hydrogen chlorid is locked behind advanced chemistry, which needs chemical tech cards. These need advanced circuits, which in turn need electronic components. These need the silicon wafers which need hydrogen chloride. So we have a full circle. Mods are Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration.

2 years ago

Agreed, I hit the same issue.

I made a small patch that restores the simple recipe for electronic components. The complex one still requires silicon wafers.

2 years ago

According to foreman, with SE+K2+VeryBZ you can make it without needing blue science. you just need upto red science

2 years ago

I don't see it. There is only one hydrogen chloride recipe and it requires blue science. Can you create an issue on this github and post a save file I can sync to to check it out please? Thanks!

2 years ago

so there are two researches that unlock hydrogen chloride according to the recipe tree,

2 years ago

Well, I'm an idiot somehow. My apologies, I'll deprecate the mod.

2 years ago

I am also blind. I have this researched, but I can't select the recipe in Old Refinery.

2 years ago

*Sorry in chemical plant
It's in the tree and researched, but not available as an actual recipe in the machine.

2 years ago

Ok apparently this was because I had "more intermediates" option enable in Sillica mod. Still it's an incompatibility.

2 years ago

@AngrySlipper did you have it set to 'More: (Experimental)' or 'Yes: wafer, solar cell'?

2 years ago

@GrimerX I tried both "more" options. It only works correctly when this options set to "no".

2 years ago

Just commenting to say I had the exact issue that AngrySlipper had. Disabled the extra recipes and it works fine.

2 years ago

Very sorry for delayed reply here.

I think this is a factorio bug.

So Factorio documentation claims:

The game resets recipes and technologies any time mods, prototypes, or startup settings change, so this does not need to be done by migration scripts.

But sometimes it doesn't work. That's happened in this mod before, so if you enter SiliconRecipes (no slashes or anything, just as a normal chat), it will work for Hydrogen Chloride as well. Won't disable achievements.

New response