Silica & Silicon

by brevven

Adds silica, silicon, and basic fiber optics to the game. Compatible with Space Age including a new plant & production chain on Gleba. A standalone piece of BZ Mods, with graphics by snouz.

18 days ago
1.0 - 2.0

i K2 & SE

4 years ago

I know you say you might not make it compatible with other mods, but I figured I'd ask about K2 & SE since you're adding compatibility with your other mods.


4 years ago

I'm definitely willing to try. I'm just trying to think of how to integrate it with the various sand/glass/silicon items already in those mods.

I guess maybe I should try giving the simple fiber optics a shot first, since neither of those mods have optical fiber.

4 years ago

I can help with that bit a little. Look over their mods and write up a list.

4 years ago

Thanks, a list might be helpful!

4 years ago

Alright so recipe planner has silicon used only in solar panels, "electronic components", and a delivery cannon "recipe"

Solar panels recipe is:
Electronic circuits
Steel plate
Silicon x5

Electronic components recipe:
Silicon x2

So it looks like there's possibility for more complexity with fiber-optics added to the circuitry recipe.

Plus I noticed you've added silicon to the recipe of concrete replacing stone brick.

The way K2 gets silica is through quartz, and the way they get quartz is through a filtration plant with sand and water.

Quartz is used in laser turrets and heat pipes.

This testing is with both K2 and SE so individually they may be different. I'll check SE by itself soon.

4 years ago

It seems SE doesn't use Silicon at all.

4 years ago

Thank you! This is very helpful. Looks like it will be easier to integrate that I was thinking. I will take a shot at integrating with K2+SE (and K2 alone) soon, hopefully this weekend.

I had forgotten that SE didn't have silicon, since I generally play the 2 together now :)

4 years ago

Same here. I thought about checking K2 without AAI Industries but I had already reloaded about a billion times by then lol

4 years ago

So I've given it a shot. Worked it into K2 and SE a bit.

The production chain in K2 is slightly different than vanilla, but I think it works out pretty well.

4 years ago

I'll give it a check with the lead and titanium later today. Good looking for the updates.

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