-- this makes sense for iron pipes - lead plate used for solder
util.add_ingredient("pipe", "lead-plate",1)
-- This makes more sense to me. Still should use iron plates but use lead plate for solder
--util.replace_some_ingredient("storage-tank", "iron-plate", "lead-plate", 10)
util.add_ingredient("storage-tank", "lead-plate", 2)
-- my car battery casing is plastic or rubber(?) so I added plastic
util.add_ingredient("battery", "plastic-bar", 1)
-- replace iron with lead makes sense here
--util.add_ingredient("battery", "lead-plate", 1)
util.replace_ingredient("battery", "iron-plate", "lead-plate")
-- I think I will keep iron for the outer case and add 4 lead plates for shielding (maybe I should be using steel instead of iron ?)
--util.replace_ingredient("uranium-fuel-cell", "iron-plate", "lead-plate")
util.add_ingredient("uranium-fuel-cell", "lead-plate", 4) -- for inside the battery and/or shielding
-- nope. I added lead to the ammunition as shown below
--util.replace_some_ingredient("gun-turret", "iron-plate", "lead-plate", 5)
-- not sure why, but why not?
util.add_ingredient("big-electric-pole", "lead-plate", 2)
util.add_ingredient("substation", "lead-plate", 2)
util.add_ingredient("electric-furnace", "lead-plate", 5)
util.add_ingredient("solar-panel", "lead-plate", 5)
-- bullets and/or magazines will contain both iron and lead.
-- ammunition
--util.replace_ingredient("firearm-magazine", "iron-plate", "lead-plate")
util.add_ingredient("firearm-magazine", "lead-plate", 1)
util.replace_ingredient("shotgun-shell", "iron-plate", "lead-plate")
-- todo
-- circuit boards - need to add lead for solder (No ROHS here!)
-- circuit boards quite often have HASL over the copper traces to make it easier to solder components
-- HASL stands for Hot Air Solder Layer
-- (For both copper traces and edge board contacts on older simple circuit boards. Higher level
-- boards would use gold for plating the contacts like for the PCI edge connecters in a PC. The rest of the board would still use HASL.)
-- If you add Gold as a resource, the gold might also be added to Advanced Circuits and/or Processing Units for the circuit board contacts.