
by brevven

Adds lead ore and plates to the base game as an early game resource. Lead is used in ammunition, pipes, batteries and a few other places. Compatible with RSO, Krastorio 2, Space Exploration and other mods. A standalone piece of BZ Mods. With graphics by snouz.

a day ago
1.1 - 2.0
Mining Manufacturing
This mod 11 From other mods 104
Dependency types:
Default 67 Required 27 Conflict 0 Optional 53 Hidden 24
Sort by:
Default Type Name Version Downloads
Dependant 406K
FreightForwarding 13.2K
bzvery 9.96K
all-the-overhaul-modpack 6.73K
modpack_se_k2_bz_248k 6.49K
deep-core-fragment-balancer >= 1.2.16 4.22K
hmm-g-resources >= 1.2.18 3.65K
SeaTorio 2.61K
bzbbasics 2.57K
Cractorio_pack_optional 1.91K
art-house-tweaks 1.16K
bigger-ore-stacks_1-1 >= 0.6.5 1.10K
nach0_modpack_bz 916
reversetorio 260
SE-ores-integration 160
Patchwork_Overhaul 139
periodic-table 91
H-QoL-FF 82
Tweaks_Tweaks 73
HopefulFiresModpack 60
bztungsten 30.9K
bzzirconium 30.4K
bz-dsr-bridge 29.4K
bzaluminum 29.2K
bzgas >= 1.2.0 27.6K
bztin >= 1.2.0 26.7K
MDbobelectronics >= 0.2.0 20.5K
bzchlorine >= 1.2.0 20.3K
bzgold >= 1.2.0 16.2K
ev-refining >= 2.0.10 12.9K
bismuth >= 1.2.18 12.5K
BrassTacks 12.3K
BrassTacks 12.3K
IfNickel 12.2K
SchallAlienLoot_K2_BZ 6.90K
planet-muluna 6.14K
Tantalite 6.09K
Indium 6.02K
IntermediatesForYou 5.92K
ChemistryForYou 5.64K
5dim-cats >= 1.2.16 3.23K
SE_faster_caster 2.12K
core-mine-balancer-for-sek2bz >= 1.2.16 1.96K
void-miners-extended >= 1.2.15 1.75K
RichBlood >= 1.0.3 1.61K
zz_DLStackOverride 1.42K
factories-in-tight-spaces >= 1.2.17 1.19K
rus-perevod 1.08K
RusEliz 922
plutonium-energy-k2-bz-compat 826
OreEverywhereButNotVisiblePlus 602
overhead-electrification 572
scrap-industry 366
qolmod >= 1.2.15 365
zborka-mod-ru 322
Ingredient_Scrap 296
wood-universe-modpack 257
SE_xors_tweaks_casting_patched 233
trigonometric-oil 192
BZ-additional-changes 162
Patchwork_Stitching 150
DirtyWater 99
DH-Water-Processing 92
EVR_248K 92
mods-en-gb 61
overhead-electrification-lrfix 54
fluidmining 38
bz_dmrsa 10
Last dependency data update: 3 hours ago (for v2.0.21)