
by brevven

Adds a foundry building for making alloys, etc. A standalone accessory from BZ Mods.

1 year, 28 days ago

i [DONE] Space recipes

2 years ago

I'm plaing with Krastorio 2, AAI, Space Exploration and very_bz overhaul mods.
Foundry and Electric foundry buildings are not allowed to be placed in space.
But this mod with the other mods in very_bz modpack add a lot of recipes that can be smelted only in Foundry (alluminium alloys, steel, silicon, etc).
So there is no way to make all production in space sending only raw ores and fluinds from planets.
I think it is a good idea to allow produce Foundry recipes in some space buildings for example in Thermodynamics laboratory.

2 years ago

Isn't there already a setting that enables founding in other buildings in the Startup section ?

2 years ago

Indeed there is a mod startup setting for this. This building's internal name is: se-space-thermodynamics-laboratory.

Since this might be a popular option, I'll add it to the setting description in the next update.

2 years ago

Thank you!
The solution with mod setting works well.

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