
by brevven

Adds a foundry building for making alloys, etc. A standalone accessory from BZ Mods.

10 months ago

b [FIXED] Missing Description (minor)

2 years ago

Very minor "issue" I found: both the Foundry and the Electric foundry are missing descriptions. They give Unknown key: "entity-description.foundry" and Unknown key: "entity-description.electric-foundry", respectively.

Thanks for a great mod!

2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know -- I can add the entity-description strings.

Can you let me know where it shoes up as 'Unknown key: "entity-description.foundry"'? I can't find that in the game.

2 years ago

I found it when I hover over a foundry/electric foundry in FNEI or in my inventory. Examples here:

Potentially related, I have the Factorio debug setting "show-debug-info-in-tooltips" enabled.

2 years ago

Ah thanks...interesting, Space Exploration seems to cause that part of the tooltip to show. It doesn't show in Vanilla. I'll fix this in the next update.

2 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!

And yeah, it's definitely a minor thing, I just thought you'd like to know. I'm looking forward to the rest of my K2SE run with your mods!

New response