
by brevven

Adds a foundry building for making alloys, etc. A standalone accessory from BZ Mods.

1 year, 28 days ago

b [FIXED] Error on load

3 years ago

Just got this message on version 0.0.6:

Failed to load mod "bzfoundry": __bzfoundry__/refractory-updates.lua:136: bad argument #1 of 2 to 'insert' (table expected, got string)
stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'insert'
    __bzfoundry__/refractory-updates.lua:136: in function 'get_refractories'
    __bzfoundry__/refractory-updates.lua:141: in function 'make_ingredients_and_products'
    __bzfoundry__/refractory-updates.lua:109: in function 'make_recipe'
    __bzfoundry__/refractory-updates.lua:190: in main chunk
    [C]: in function 'require'
    __bzfoundry__/data-updates.lua:2: in main chunk

Referenced line:

if #refractories < 2 and mods.bzzirconium then table.insert("zirconia") end
3 years ago

And after fixing that (well, what I thought would be the fix), I now get this error:

Error while running setup for recipe prototype "zirconium-plate-refractory" (recipe): Duplicate item ingredients are not allowed (zirconia exists 2 or more times).
3 years ago

Thanks for the report and for trying to fix. Yes, I tried to refactor this new feature to clean it up it after initial testing and then this bug cropped up. I've fixed in the newest version.

Also this feature is pretty "blunt" right now -- all plates use the same refractory materials and have similar probabilistic outputs to reuse those materials. I will probably tweak it over the coming weeks a bit. Let me know what you think :)

2 years ago

I got a similar error with version 0.2.1 - 37.067 Error ModManager.cpp:1558: Error while running setup for recipe prototype "se-naquium-ingot-GDIW-IR-refractory" (recipe): Duplicate item ingredients are not allowed (graphite exists 2 or more times).

2 years ago

Thanks for letting me know. I had to make a structural change to support some new stuff for the Tin mod, which probably caused this, I'll have to fix it up soon. 0.2.0 should be ok for now still.

2 years ago

Alright. I've attempted to put a quick, general fix to prevent this type of issue from breaking compatibility. However, it might leave a recipe in a slightly "too favorable" unbalanced state. Not a big deal though, nothing actually free, just cheaper. I can look into a more balanced long-term fix, but wanted to get this out soon.

One other note: I didn't originally intend for the "X with refractory" recipes to support some of the endgame ores like imersium and naquium. I will likely have to change some logic to detect recipe outputs instead of recipe names, because I didn't know about the "se-naquium-ingot-GDIW-IR-refractory" recipe (probably from a different mod?).

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