Edit: Sorry about the messed up thread title.
Getting back to trying out this mod for real
So currently I think the ferric chloride recipe uses up far too much chlorine - in both variants.
Out of the box, the 'bad' recipe needs 2.5 electrolysis machines per chemical plant running ferric chloride.
The 'good' recipe, needs 10 electrolysis plants + 4 chemical plants per chemical plant running ferric chloride.
And you need 1 ferric chloride chem plant for the 2 PCB substrate assemblers(assembly3). Epoxy is not too bad - just .66 chem planets per PCB substrate manufacturing. But the ferric chloride is nuts.
I don't think it's reasonable to add 15+ extra machines to advanced circuit assembler, just to use the 'good' recipe - or at least 6 for the bad one..
Down the road when the player will be using advanced chem plants in KE/S2, with 30+ crafting speed - the player will need 1200+ hydrogen chloride per second into a ferric chloride machine - which is about breaking the reasonable throughput on fluid speeds, I don't think anything else requires that kind of throughput for a single process.
I would suggest setting the recipes to 10 chlorine +2 iron plates for the bad recipe, and 40 hydrogen chloride + 1 iron ore for the 'good' recipe. That would be the better solution. Increasing the speed at which salt electrolyzes. would be another alternative, but I think the former is better for not blowing out late game fluid rates.