Salt & Chlorine

by brevven

Adds salt, chlorine and more to the base game. Reworks advanced circuit production. Compatible with Krastorio 2 and Space Exploration. A standalone piece of BZ Mods.

8 months ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

g [DONE] Looking at current tuning, and in particular issue with ferric chloride Ferric Chloride.

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

Edit: Sorry about the messed up thread title.

Getting back to trying out this mod for real

So currently I think the ferric chloride recipe uses up far too much chlorine - in both variants.

Out of the box, the 'bad' recipe needs 2.5 electrolysis machines per chemical plant running ferric chloride.
The 'good' recipe, needs 10 electrolysis plants + 4 chemical plants per chemical plant running ferric chloride.

And you need 1 ferric chloride chem plant for the 2 PCB substrate assemblers(assembly3). Epoxy is not too bad - just .66 chem planets per PCB substrate manufacturing. But the ferric chloride is nuts.

I don't think it's reasonable to add 15+ extra machines to advanced circuit assembler, just to use the 'good' recipe - or at least 6 for the bad one..

Down the road when the player will be using advanced chem plants in KE/S2, with 30+ crafting speed - the player will need 1200+ hydrogen chloride per second into a ferric chloride machine - which is about breaking the reasonable throughput on fluid speeds, I don't think anything else requires that kind of throughput for a single process.

I would suggest setting the recipes to 10 chlorine +2 iron plates for the bad recipe, and 40 hydrogen chloride + 1 iron ore for the 'good' recipe. That would be the better solution. Increasing the speed at which salt electrolyzes. would be another alternative, but I think the former is better for not blowing out late game fluid rates.

1 year, 10 months ago

Thanks for this feedback. I'll take an in-depth look at this.

1 year, 10 months ago

K thanks. The vinyl chloride recipe exhibits similar issues though not as bad. If this was a more interesting process it would be less of an issue, but right now end up with hydrogen chloride from water basically, so it's just spamming the same set of filtration plant for salt + electrolysis machines everywhere you need chlorine or hydrogen chloride, and having banks and banks of those to provide the necessary material.

You can argue that's all of factorio, but I find most of your additions add fun complications that create a new puzzle/logistics challenge, vs this.

1 year, 8 months ago

Hi again. I've made one change with regard to this. The number of electrolysis plants for chlorine is cut in half now. I don't think this significantly impacts the rest of K2 balance, because chlorine needs are higher. I feel overall this is pretty close to what this mod is intended to achieve complexity wise for the advanced circuit supply chain.

New response