Bulk Teleporters

by dorfl

Use spare gigajoules to teleport shipments of items.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Comportible in mod Space Space Exploration?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

I haven't had time to test this myself yet, but the main problem that I can't fix on my end is that teleporters on different surfaces don't understand interplanetary distances and assume a short distance (maybe based on surface-relative positions).

My proposed solution for this is that you implement a remote interface call to see if any mods can return specific values for surface-to-surface distances. Something like:
-- make a cache table for distances that don't change, should be cleared on configuration changed
global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance = {}

-- when trying to find a surface to surface distance check interfaces for a surface distance implementation
-- surface_from and surface_to are the surface index numbers
if global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance
and global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance[surface_from]
and global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance[surface_from][surface_to] then
return global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance[surface_from][surface_to]
local result
for interface, functions in pairs(remote.interfaces) do
if functions["bulkteleport_get_surface_to_surface_distance"] then
local interface_result = remote.call(interface, "bulkteleport_get_surface_to_surface_distance", {surface_from=surface_from, surface_to=surface_to})
if interface_result and interface_result.distance then
if result == nil or interface_result.distance > result.distance then -- use higher value then
result = interface_result
local distance = 0
if result and result.distance then
distance = result.distance
if result.cache == true then
global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance[surface_from] = global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance[surface_from]
or {}
global.cache_surface_to_surface_distance[surface_from][surface_to] = distance

You could potentially extend this sort of system to store data with flags, such as whether the relative positions should be considered (for close parallel surfaces like underground).

5 years ago

Makes sense.

Will have to think about scaling cost for interplanetary distances too. Currently this mod adds a set of teleport recipes with linearly scaled energy_required per kilometre. After 10km it stops scaling because that's already larger than most bases. Interplanetary teleporters might need a special entity with a more expensive set of recipes.

5 years ago

Yes that would make sense.
Currently you need rockets to automatically transfer resources between surfaces and they have a variable fuel cost. The costs can vary a lot, fairly small from planet to orbit, but huge if you're going from distant stars.
For teleporters the entities/costs could probably be grouped into 3 bands: Planetary system (the planet, orbit, moons), Solar system (other planets), and Interstellar. The entity could potentially work like a capacity storing energy and activation_resources, trigger when full and only use a % based on the actual distance.

5 years ago

For now -- because I'm slow :-) -- the latest release simply disables cross-surface teleportation. Dematerializers now refuse to target rematerializers on other planets.

5 years ago

latest version cannot be loaded with space exploration

5 years ago

I had to tweak Space Exploration incompatibility checks in order to test with Bulk Teleporters. It's Earendel's call to determine when to enable BT by default, or at all :-)

5 years ago

hope you will get this fixed... would be a nice alternative to using rockets to send items :) if not too expensive in power ;)

2 years ago

I can still sorta get this to work (haven't tried actual teleporters yet but at least the game starts) but I struggle to detach the technology from SE meddling.
While I understand the point of moving teleportation into the deep lategame I just can't into train setups and use the teleporters there.
Getting the mod to run and the teleporters out of the teleport technology was easy enough (for the latter I just commented out the patch in the postprocesses mod) but for some reason, there's a very persistent Deep Space Science Pack 4 that I can't get away. Any suggestions for that?

2 years ago

@Zahnfeechen You need to disable certain lines in the core mod and post-processing aswell. In general use a tool like NotePad++ to look for all the keywords. ( eg "Teleport"). It's 100% doable.

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