Yes, Zombiee (Author of shinybob) said he should have an update for this tomorrow.
to be honest, he really should just read icon_size from the item and use the graphic where appropriate instead of just assuming an icon size is 32.
For those who don't know... Why am I updating icons to size 64?
Well, for starters, I'm only changing icons if I have the source at 64 or larger, or I would have changed the icon anyway (in these cases, they're all new icons to make them more unique than just re-using the base game tank icon)
but why size 64? For starters, the devs have said they will do that eventually, but a good example is the fluids, turn on alt mode (press left alt) and zoom in on a fluid storage tank, see how awesome the graphics look on some of my fluids compared to base game fluids.
For items, again you could zoom in on an assembling machine crafting the item with alt mode on, but the main reason is for anyone using a GUI scale larger than 100%, size 64 is for a GUI scale of 200%. The scale can actually go to 250% so in theory I should be using icons of size 80 (250% of 32) though 96 or 128 would probably be more to game standard sizes. I think my Electronics use boards with an icon size of 128.