Bob's Metals, Chemicals and Intermediates

Smelt extra ores into plates, and make useful intermediate products. A key part of the Bob's mods suite.

2 months ago
0.13 - 1.1

g Error in AssignID, item with name 'basic-circuit-board' does not exist.

7 years ago

Picture of the error. I have to have this mod as some of angel's mods require bobplates, does this mod argue at all with any of the 5dim mods?
This problem occurs when factorio starts building prototypes, also notable, should be that it is 100% this mod as my game starts without it. The notepad pulls up this for the prototypes that involve basic circuits.
in bobplates_0.14.0\prototypes\recipe\entity-recipe-updates.lua:
if data.raw.item["basic-circuit-board"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("electrolyser", "electronic-circuit", "basic-circuit-board")

if data.raw.item["stone-pipe"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("electrolyser", "pipe", "stone-pipe")

if data.raw.item["copper-pipe"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("air-pump", "pipe", "copper-pipe")
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("water-pump", "pipe", "copper-pipe")
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("void-pump", "pipe", "copper-pipe")

if data.raw.item["steel-pipe"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("chemical-furnace", "pipe", "steel-pipe")

if data.raw.item["bronze-pipe"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("air-pump-2", "pipe", "bronze-pipe")
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("water-pump-2", "pipe", "bronze-pipe")

if data.raw.item["brass-pipe"] then
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("air-pump-3", "pipe", "brass-pipe")
bobmods.lib.recipe.replace_ingredient("water-pump-3", "pipe", "brass-pipe")

This is the only lua that ever mentions the basic-circuit board. So any ideas on how to fix this?

7 years ago

yea got this problem as well,
angels smelting mod requires bobplates.

so I installed bobmetals,chemicals and intermediates as this is the bobplates mod.
and got the same error.

shouldn't be a problem as I have installed all the REQUIRED mods for this one.

please update this so I don't need to install the whole bob's mod (It's a bit to much to change my base not only tot he angels mod but also to the bob's mod, I wanted to change it bit by bit)

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