A couple of times I played with your mods.
They are great.
I have an idea. It is known that not all storage containers for gas and liquid fill up symmetrically.
After filling the container the gas can block the production of another component production. It is frustrating.
There are three solutions.
(1) The first is the addition of a large quantity of containers. But they used to be filled.
(2) You can also manually remove part of the container and put them back together again. The contents of containers removed is lost. Once again, we have placed a new place for storage. (Magically disappears any gas and liquid.)
(3) Add a new item in the game called "Utilization waste". His role was to liquidation surplus of gases and liquids. Irrevocably.
He saw to it anyway.
As is known network in the containers as a percentage evenly distribute the gases and liquids.
"Utilization waste" also owned by his example capacity 1000 units.
If "Utilization waste" was filled to 100%, then he tried to 10% of its stocks to destroy.
Eg. Nitrogen can release more without sacrificing the environment. But eg. Lubricants required to more time.
It may require to fuel coal, electric versions.
Some products needed to further eg. water or varbon as the catalyst. And generate atmospheric pollution.
All the network to supply gases and liquids was smoother and more stable.
It might create interesting solutions.
Jakub Sarnecki